Relief Society
Enrichment Night
"How to be an 8 Cow Woman"
Thursday April 14, 2011
The evening started off with a classic movie, Johnny Lingo,
which taught us three important lessons:
Others Self Worth,
the True Value of Love
"Many things can happen to make a woman beautiful,
but the thing that matters MOST is what she thinks of herself."
-Johnny Lingo
We touched on 3 topics that would help us all to feel more like 8 cow women and they were:
1. Moo-sic Appreciation:
The influence of good music
2. Mad Cow: Emotional well being
3. Holy Cow: Developing spirituality
Our first speaker was Arianne Wilhite.
Arianne spoke on how her musical background has influenced her and was kind enough to play Disney's "When You Wish Upon A Star".
Our second speaker was Beverly Pale Lei.
Beverly spoke on the importance of striving to be an 8 cow woman and inspired us to find balance in our lives especial at those times that we don't feel worthy of 8 cows.
Our closing speaker for the evening was Linda Lofing.
Linda shared some wonderful perspectives on temples, our savior and self worth.
A great big THANK YOU goes out to these three ladies who when asked to speak, were up to the challenge, and we couldn't have had such a successful night without them.
Throughout the evening we also had additional musical numbers by:
Brian Tomlinson
"Come Thou Fount"
on the saw
Lolohea Tonga
"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"
Solo/accompanied herself on the piano
Thank you so much to Brian and Lolohea for volunteering your musical talents.
And last but not least,
Thank you to all the sisters who attended
because, well, without you,
there wouldn't be an enrichment night!!!
"Music washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life" -Berthold Auerbach
"Just as your car runs more smoothly when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feeling, emotions, goals and values are in balance." -Brian Tracy
(To Buffer: Hit Play then Pause. It's done when faded red line is full.)
Time for some
"Cow-Pies" & "Moo" Juice
(To Buffer: Hit Play then Pause. It's done when faded red line is full.)